Monday, June 7, 2010


What a journey! I just got back to Omaha from Wakarusa. Wakarusa is a 4-day music festival fifteen minutes from Fayette, Arkansas. The campground was so beautiful. The festival is located in the middle of Mulberry Mountain so trees just flood the area. Even though it was 90 degrees everyday, I still had a blast. Now time to give a little insight on the madness.

My group left Wednesday for Arkansas. Jenni, Nick, Matt, Marcus, and myself all rode in Matt’s van. We took the van to Bonnorro last year so I knew it would be a smooth ride…or so I thought. It took us about 8 hours to get to the campground. The roads were very narrow and it was pitch black when we entered the park so it was a little nerve racking driving through. After the long process of getting our wristbands and driving to out campsite, we set up shop then took a little siesta. Around 9am the heat was unbearable so we started our day with a cold beer and a bowl. The camp had a Frisbee golf course so I decided to give it a shot for the first time ever. I actually did pretty well for my first time except when I reached the ninth hole. I tossed the Frisbee and SMACK! The Frisbee went straight into the water. At least I pulled off a Kaiser. :) I wouldn’t have been upset but it wasn’t my Frisbee. It was Jenni’s bf, Nick, disc. I felt horrible so I looked all over to see if I could replace it. I finally was pointed in the direction of Craig, the emo guy that sells hammocks. He pulled out his case of Frisbee’s and I chose a rainbow disc that was similar to Nick’s disc. I gave Nick the disc and hoped all was well. He probably thinks I’m crazy but I feel better for getting him a replacement. I didn’t catch too many bands on Thursday except for Robert Randolph and the Family Band. The band was amazing! They threw in some Lady Gaga, which made my night. Overall, the show was one hell of a dance party. :) I called it an early night Thursday and went to bed after the show. **Weird moment: Marcus, whom I just met Wednesday, decided he wanted to grab me in the middle of the night since we were sharing tents. I shut that down real quick. BE A GENTLEMAN NOT A CHUMP!!

On Friday, Lynn, Josh, Cassandra, and Ryan arrived at the campsite. It was a fun having good neighbors around the camp. I ate some molly and saw some good bands. Rebelution, STS9, Bassnectar, and Tea Leaf Green were in my line up for the evening. Bassnectar was awesome I danced my face off all night then went to bed. Definitely a successful night.

Saturday. Oh Saturday! Well this was by far the most exciting night. Lounged, drank beer, and smoked during the blistering day heat then once 5 o’clock hit, it was party time! I ate some shrooms and molly them headed off into the land of Wakarusa. Definitely a wild trip to say the least. I started off with the Black Keys. My favorite show out of all the bands! They are amazing and I can’t wait to see them in August! ☺ Then it was on to Slightly Stoopid, Widespread Panic, STS9, Umphrey’s McGee, and Wookiefoot. Everyone was a little tired so they went to bed early but I was still higher than a kite and really wanted to see the chaos unfold at Wookiefoot. I decided to watch the show so I headed to the revival tent where they were playing. I met a guy named Casey and we sat down and talked about life. We decided to smoke a bowl then eat some more molly before Wookiefoot. Wookiefoot was a delight to see. It was a circus on stage! After Wookiefoot, Casey and I decided to go to the waterfall to watch the sunset. We stared the 30 minute hike downhill to the waterfall. It was 4:30am and pitch black. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea but I had a great time. The waterfall was so peaceful. It was just what I needed after a hectic day. I met Austin while at the waterfall. Casey and I wanted to smoke a bowl but we didn’t have a lighter so Austin ended up being our night and shining armor. I chatted with Austin and he invited me to go back stage to the revival tent to check out the scene. We exchanged numbers and I passed out back at camp. When I woke up, I decided to clean a bit then get ready for the day. Later on I met up with Austin and he gave me a badge so I could wonder around. I got a first hand look at what goes on backstage and got to check out some bands up close and personal. It was very interesting. Thanks Austin!! The bands I saw were Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad, State Radio, and John Butler Trio. After the show, Austin asked if I wanted to get some chocolate ganja that was given to the singer of Wookiefoot. It was delicious after all the excitement, I decided to head back to camp and crash. I crawled in the van, which was very comfortable and passed out. Sleep was much needed at this point. We packed up Monday and here I am, back at home writing about my adventure. Wakarusa was a place for sin and I absolutely loved it! It’s not too often you can run buck wild without any consequences. Back to the real world tomorrow.

Keep Truckin


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