Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday's Blue Skies

It was absolutely gorgeous today! I kept busy this weekend. Trying not to think about past events. Why do I get myself in these situations?! (Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah Roma roma-ma Ga ga ooh la la) Haha. I guess all I can do is laugh about my newly found seven degrees of separation from Ms. Gaga. Friday, I went to the waiting room with a group of beavers to see Lonely Estates and Rock, Paper Dynamite. Both very got bands. I drank too much as usual and jumped on top of some guys school bus to find 3 bikes and a rocking horse bolted onto the top. Classic! Saturday started off rough. My goal was to be at work by 6am but didn't get in til 6:30am. Overall, I'm impressed that I made it to work at that time due to the debauchery that occurred the night before. I thought work went well. We were slammed and I feel that I handled myself in a very efficient manner. I actually like the short-term culture room and am so happy my work is giving me the opportunity to further my skills in the lab. I guess I'll find out tomorrow how I did. Hope all is well. Fingers crossed. :) Saturday night was the main event! I saw SatchelGrande at the spring fling in Dundee. They were amazing!! Bring on that funk! I had a great time dancing with Jon Van. We definitely showed our moves and are worthy of dance-off. pants-off status. I hung out with Brett Vaida on Saturday night. I really enjoy his company but I feel that he is moving way too fast. I've tried to explain it to him but he seems to look the other direction. I don't know what more to do but sadly I'm just more annoyed than ever. We shall see what happens but definitely not ready to jump ship quit yet from the single life. Damn you Gaga Boy! You have turned my world upside down. I know I only knew you for a brief moment but I learned quit a lot from our conversations. It's always nice to get input from the other side of the fence. I hope I do get to see you again and talk about this train wreck. For now I'll continue to focus on my goals and enjoy summer. Yeah Yeah!! I thought this season would never come. So let's get back on track. Sunday I woke up from B Vaida's house. He had to drive me home since by car was somewhere around midtown. I think he might of been a little upset. Another thing I wish he would change is his Negative Nancy attitude. My goodness. I live 5 blocks away. Take some herb and relax. (That's what Tony said!) ha. After he dropped me home, I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to call my parents and see what they were up to. They were just working on a few projects at home so I decided to give my scooter a much needed wash. It looks so fresh and clean now! :) Later that night I had the notorious sand volleyball league. We sucked ass the first two games but pulled it together during the last one. Ripa is making more improvements everyday. She will be a pro in no time! She also got hammered and keep going on about the vajay. Love that girl to death! :) I drank a few pitchers with the team then scooted off into the night sky. (hammered of course) I decided to stop at B Vaidas again to see if anything would change. Still not feeling it. I wish he would lighten up. Hopefully next week will be a different story. He asked me to go out to dinner with his parents and his brother and his finance for him and his brother's birthday. I declined. I just think that move is for serious couples only period. (sort of redundant but whatevs!) Finally to Monday. Very very relaxing! Went to Andy Meads apt to smoke some Maui Wowi and enjoy a movie in the comforts of his ice cold air conditioned apartment. It was glorious! We watched Whiteout with Kate Beckinsale. Shit for a movie but it was good to hang with Andy. He has a Vic's popcorn stand on the first floor of his apartment building. It was so good we ended up going back for seconds. After I left Andy's I met up with J. Cacek and went swimming at Nikki's apt pool. I met a couple new cats. They were all cool and I'm sure we all enjoyed ourselves playing in the sun. After the pool, we headed to Walmart. I know, I know! Walmart is the devil but I'm broke right now and would like to continue my rock star lifestyle. (or so i think :/) Finally home. A little sleepy. I decided to start a blog to keep track of my life. Time is flying by and I feel that I don't take out enough time to embrace the moments . I'm going to try my best to record all of my days so when I'm old and gray I can laugh about all the dumb shit and exciting adventures I've done in the past. Tomorrow starts off the work week. Ugh! I feel I did not complete one task on my to do list. There is always next week. Fingers crossed my boss gives me Wakarusa off. That would be such a breath of fresh air! Well goodnight world and from the words of the infamous Matthew Vaslaskis:

Keep on truckin!


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