Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stuck in Thin Air

This week has been pretty boring for the most part but next week will be insane! My little Linda is leaving for Spain today! I'm so happy for her. I hope she has a blast and learns a ton about her heritage. :) See you in a month gf!! After heavy debate, I decided to go to Wakarusa. I got a ticket for $120.00 (reg. $194.34) I just couldn't resist plus it will go in the books for festivals I've attended. You only live once...or at least that's what I told my dad. He actually took it well when I told him I was going to Arkansas for a 4 day hippie fest. My parents are currently in route to Florida. They were suppose arrive yesterdsay but problems with layover in Minneapolis prevented them on making it on time. They left at 7:30am this morning and should be enjoying the beach my noon! Have fun mom and dad! :) My mom has always wanted to live on the beach but the BP oil spill may prevent that from happening. It has been over a month and oil is still leaking into the ocean. WTF?! You would think a company that has been charging their customers up the ass for a product would figure out how to stop an oil leak. Something that is even more infurriating is the fact that you can go on and see live feed of the oil spilling into the ocean. I hope the problem is fixed soon but the damage has already been done. The wildlife, fisherman, and so many other people out there will take a hit from this disaster. All we can do is keep our head up and keep moving forward. Last night I went out for dinner and drinks wih Mimick and Ripa. It was a good time. I will always love those chicas to death! :) So Alan is coming into town. That boy is scandalous but then again so am I. Something about that boy gets me but I must resist the smooth talker. HE IS TOXIC! Only problems will come of this but I would still like to see his arrogant face. :) I need to take it easy tonight and get ready for the trip. Well I must get back to the harvest. Warren brought doughnuts! Score. Im super hungry. Well til the next time.

Keep Truckin!

<3 Jenny

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