Monday, May 31, 2010

Thoughts on Particular Events : /

It's about bedtime so I'm in bed enjoying some delicious brox (god's green grass :) ) and blogging. I had a great weekend with friends but something is really bothering me. Alan was in town from Chicago and totally made me feel like shit. I thought I had a good FRIENDSHIP with him but he just tried to take matters a little too far. Last night I went to the Rose and Crown ( a bar in Omaha that I absolutely love! It has definitely got me into trouble but the memories!) for B Vaidas birthday. Side note: He still has a thing for me but I checked out Omaha from on top of huge parking garage and talked about life so I think we will be able to be friends and still hang. I hope for the best in that situation. I saw some peeps I haven't seen in awhile and it was oh so good to catch up! My old roomie, Corrie, was there and she used to date Alan. I know she is still hung up on him and it breaks my heart because she is such an awesome person. Alan of course was being Alan but he decided to hang all over me and attempt to kiss me. He was hammered and it was extremely inappropriate. I behaved myself the best I could and tried to control the situation. This is going to sound sooo stupid and I know I'm going to blog about how much of a dumb ass I was for even thinking of this pathetic thought but I sort of like Alan. We are a lot alike and that scares me but I'm realizing that I kind of a bitch and that I can be really insensitive at times. I want to change that part of me but I don't even know where to begin. If I let it all out, I'm sure to get taken advantage of or for the love of sweet jebus, maybe get my heart broken. Aww!! I hope not. I still believe a person will have many loves in there life. People change. People grow apart. People find different interests. It's a way of life but don't ever forget the people that got you there. Oh fuck! I've turned into a sap. I just lost a little respect for him for even thinking about pulling that shit in front of Corrie. It's pretty fucked up. I just don't understand. He sends me texts about how it likes me and blah blah blah. Don't trust a hoe. I should know. Don't trust me. (I'm working on this!) It feels really good to write everything out. Sure it's awesome to talk to friends and get there input on my situations but I feel that I'm my worst critic and that's how it should be. Wait is be a preposition? Those damn cards have made be want to improve my grammar. Weird. Subliminal messages do work. But all in all, I'm not going to by into the bullshit. I'm going to try to be a better person and continue to explore this earth til I can no longer. :) I talked to my parents and they had a great time in Florida. My mom told me when they were on the beach a shark came close to shore and chaos broke out among the people. No one was eaten alive by the killer shark but my mom enjoyed her real life Jaws story. My parents are having a hell of a time in Florida with their flight situation. The flight was delayed so they are going to be stuck in Dallas for the night. I talked to my mom and she seemed extremely frustration. Get home soon parents :) Today was a day full of procrastination. I need to haul ass Tuesday and Wednesday in order to get everything done before the trip. Tomorrow we move at work. I'm really excited but it is going to be a shit show. Moving an entire lab is going to be an interesting thing to see. Be sure to take your xanax before entering the building. Thankyou. One thing to look forward to is Wakarusa. T-minus 2 days!! I showed pics of the madness to come. I love the creativity we put into our events. Love you j cacek!! We are going to have an amazing time!! Alright it's time for bed. It's going to be a long one. I forgot I have that art class tomorrow. Ah! The joys of summer. Pickles is passed out. I will follow her lead. Goodnight world and....

Keep Truckin

<3 Jenny

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